At Monday morning’s regular meeting of the Coffee County Commission, commissioners signed a proclamation designating the week of Oct. 5-11 as Coffee County 4-H Week. Mark von Waldner, a county agent with the local extension office, addressed the commission prior to the proclamation signing. During his remarks, he covered some of the accomplishments of the Coffee County 4-H program, which he called one of the top 4-H programs in the state. Following von Waldner’s comments, the 4-H members in attendance joined commissioners behind the commission desk for the signing.
After signing the proclamation, the commission approved contracts for Statewide Surveying with regard to a paving project in the Oak Park community. The project will be paid for by CDBG funds and Statewide will serve as both project engineer and construction manager. The contract will pay Statewide $57,099 for engineering and $24,471 for construction management services. The CDBG grant is a $500,000 grant. The local match for the project will come out of SPLOST funds.
The commission also approved a resolution setting terms for members of the tax assessors board. Five individuals serve on the board and their terms will coincide with the terms of the county commissioners, with the exception of Post 5, which will be staggered. The board members will all serve four-year terms.