Despite a financial aid mishap that resulted in several staff rearrangements within the financial aid department and 40 students not being able to attend fall classes, South Georgia State College (SGSC) representatives stated today the school has realized a one percent increase in enrollment compared to one year ago. The total headcount for fall 2015, they said, is 2,636 students.
A press release issued Tuesday by Walda Kight, Vice President for External Affairs, stated, “Positive factors that contributed to the increase include a 12.66 percent growth in new students, a 19.66 percent increase in Move On When Ready (MOWR) students (formerly dual enrollment), and a 1.77 percent increase in credit hour production. In addition, SGSC offered a B-Term for the first time, which allowed students the opportunity to take classes in a shorter time frame or add classes to their current schedule. The goal of B-Term, officials said, was to allow students to shorten their time to graduation.”
Ms. Lynn McCraney, Interim Vice President for Student Success, said, “Our enrollment increase, especially in the new student sector, is a validation that our college’s quality academic programs and value are reaching audiences. We are working diligently to assure even more families become aware of the many benefits SGSC has to offer.”
SGSC President Dr. Virginia Carson added, “I am very pleased with our increase in enrollment and credit hour production. Our faculty and staff have worked hard to provide a positive learning environment where the focus is to help students achieve success. I am proud of these outcomes and appreciate our partnerships with many regional high schools, which help provide enhanced educational opportunities to young people.”
For more information on SGSC’s financial aid problems, click here.