Loryn Brown, Citizens Christian Academy Key Club President, presented a check this week for $535 to the Douglas Kiwanis Club for the Key Club’s support of the Georgia Sheriff’s Youth Homes. The money was raised via a classroom challenge.
The Kiwanis Club of Douglas greatly appreciates the CCA Key Club’s efforts to raise money for this great cause.
Bo Bannister was the speaker at the Douglas Kiwanis Club meeting of Tuesday, Dec. 1, at the Flyin’ Cowboy restaurant.
Bannister spoke about his hobby of cycling locally and around the state. During his talk he covered the rules, dangers, and fun of cycling, as well as good areas for cycling.
The Kiwanis club members enjoyed and appreciated his talk.
Duane Carr, Bo Bannister and Wes Abler.
– Submitted by the Douglas Kiwanis Club