With Christmas and holiday celebrations taking place, the City of Douglas and Transwaste this week presented citizens with some trash collection reminders and the upcoming holiday schedule.
During the holidays, there is often excess trash in households and businesses. Please remember to place debris in a trash bag prior to placing in the trash receptacle. Failing to properly bag trash prior to placement in the container will cause excess litter/debris on streets and yards. Please make sure the bag is sealed/tied tightly and place in the receptacle.
Break down cardboard boxes and place in trash receptacle if no recycling container is available. Place carts in proper position for side loader trucks to empty carts. Failing to place the cart properly will result in the cart not being emptied on pickup day.
Carts must be placed with wheels facing away from the curb. To avoid damage to your property, please keep your trash container at least five feet away from mailboxes, street lights, vehicles, and electrical posts. Keep the wheels facing away from the curb or the arm will not be able to pick up your container. The best placement for your cart, on pick-up mornings prior to 6 a.m., would be at the end of your driveway on the opposite side of your mailbox.
After trash pickup, remove the trash cart from curbside no later than 6 a.m. following pickup day.
During the holidays, the trash pickup schedule will vary. The week of Christmas, trash collection will occur on Monday (Dec. 21), Tuesday (Dec. 22), Wednesday (Dec. 23), Thursday (Dec. 24), and Saturday (Dec. 26). No pickup on Friday, Dec. 25 due toChristmas. The week of New Year’s, trash collection will occur on Monday (Dec. 28), Tuesday (Dec. 29), Wednesday (Dec. 30), Thursday (Dec. 31), and Saturday (Jan. 2, 2016). No pickup on Friday, January 1, 2016.
For questions and/or bulk pickup, call (912) 384-6001.