Join the Coastal Resources Division of GA DNR (CRD GA DNR), UGA Extension Camden County, and the Satilla Riverkeeper, Friday, February 26, for their 2nd annual Georgia Adopt-A-Stream (AAS) coastal chemical water quality monitoring workshop. This free and hands on workshop will begin at 1 p.m. and will be held at the Susan Shipman Environmental Learning Center at the CRD GA DNR in Brunswick.
If you have an interest in protecting Georgia’s waterways, you are highly encouraged to attend. Participants will have the opportunity to earn a QA/QC certification after a classroom session and a field methods session. Please come dressed appropriately for water sampling from the dock. This workshop will continue rain or shine.
AAS is housed in the Nonpoint Source Program in the Water Protection Branch of the Georgia Environmental Protection Division. The program is funded by a Section 319(h) Grant. AAS is an outreach volunteer program designed to get Georgian’s involved with monitoring their local waterways. The goals of AAS are to increase public awareness of the State’s nonpoint source pollution and water quality concerns, provide citizens with the tools and training to evaluate and protect their resident waterways, encourage partnerships between citizens and their local government, and finally to collect baseline water quality data so we can understand when there may be a water quality problem at a particular site.
We want you to become citizen scientists! This is a great opportunity for students who have an interest in aquatic sciences to gain experience and build resumes.
To pre-register for this event, contact Jessica Warren, UGA Extension Camden County, by calling 912-576-3219.
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