Chief Timothy White and the Douglas Fire Department would like to thank the business community of Douglas for their patience and corporation during the annual inspection blitz. The inspections are checks conducted by certified firemen to ensure that businesses abide by regulations which will protect them from preventable hazards.
“By allowing the Douglas Fire Department to complete an inspection of a business, business owners are helping to save money on insurance and keeping customers and employees safe,” says Bryson Lott, Fire Training Officer. “Less fire hazards in your business can result in fewer injuries, which will save the business owner money.”
When conducting fire inspections, officers are looking for hazards such as insufficient fire exit lighting, fire extinguisher maintenance, flammable liquid storage, inoperable fire/smoke alarms, general housekeeping, and other hazards in the business.
If you would like a fire inspection of your business or for more information about the services offered by the Douglas Fire Department, please call 912-384-4815.
– City of Douglas press release