Byron Mullican, Lt. Governor – Georgia Kiwanis District 17, presented the Douglas Kiwanis Club with a Distinguished Club Award for 2014-15 Tuesday, March 15 at the Flyin’ Cowboy restaurant.
Mr. Mullican congratulated the club for completing four of the five objectives required to earn the honor. Those objectives being:
1. Secretary and President attend Club Leadership Education Training
2. Contribute to the five District projects
3. Net increase in club membership
4. Sponsor at least one Student Leadership Program
5. Be represented at two of three meetings, Mid-Winter Training Conference, International Convention or Georgia District Convention.
He also noted that every club in District 17 earned this honor, which is quite a feat, and thanked the club for its hard work.
Ryan Hanna, engineer for Broadcast South, LLC, was the speaker during the March 15 meeting. Hanna spoke about the various Broadcast South radio stations and the work he does for them.
The Kiwanis club members enjoyed and appreciated his talk.
Martin Vickers and Ryan Hanna.
– Submitted