At Monday’s city commission meeting, commissioners approved the purchase of two new cruisers for the Douglas Police Department. Chief Gary Casteloes introduced the request – a pair of 2015 Dodge Chargers for a total of $47,000. The commission unanimously approved the measure.
Cemetery director Henry Milhollin asked the commission, at the behest of the Cemetery Advisory Committee, to amend the cemetery’s headstone only rule in Section T of the municipal cemetery. The committee wanted to allow ledgers, benches, and above-ground crypts. The request passed 5-1 with Commissioner Kentaiwon Durham casting the dissenting vote.
Commissioners also approved the use of two city facilities at reduced rates by local organizations. The first request, brought forth by the local chapter of the NAACP, involved using the C.E. Weir Center for the organization’s annual banquet. The NAACP would pay a $100 administrative fee for use of the facility. The other request, made by Three Point Missions, was to use the Central Square Complex’s Gym B for an annual basketball camp. Three Point Missions would pay a $200 fee for using the gym. Commissioners approved both requests.
In other business, the commission approved the purchase of 11 overhead doors for the new maintenance shop, a wastewater supply bid, and $3,000 for the purchase of 150 smoke detectors.