The City of Douglas would like to invite citizens of Douglas to participate and clean up around Douglas!
“Throughout the year we offer several programs to help our citizens get rid of litter, clutter, and large items around their homes and neighborhoods at no charge,” says City Manager Terrell Jacobs. “We hope these programs will encourage citizens to be pro-active in helping to keep our neighborhoods, streets, and businesses clean.”
Spring Junk Free Week is April 16–23, 2016. Proof of living within the City of Douglas (such as a copy of a recent utility bill) is necessary to drop off junk items. For citizens inside the city limits of Douglas, fees will be waived, during this one week, on big household and junk items. This will not apply to tires or hazardous chemicals. Items can be dropped off at the City of Douglas Pole Yard (off Pearl Avenue, behind the post office).
In addition to Junk Free Week, the Great American Cleanup will be observed Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Individuals, churches, clubs and organizations are invited sign up to participate and earn community service hours. Participants should arrive at the public works department between 8 and 8:30 a.m. for registration. The Great American Cleanup up will begin at 8:30 a.m. and last until noon. Volunteers will be treated to a cook-out following the cleanup.
For more information on these activities, call Public Works at 912-389-3450.
Let’s keep Douglas clean and beautiful!
– Submitted