The City of Douglas invites residents in Douglas and Coffee County to join the race on and get active in our community. Active Georgia is an innovative program, in partnership with the Georgia Municipal Association, highlighting community health, community programs and personal stories of accomplishments. Participant accomplishments earn points which roll up to our City – County total.
“This is a unique way to socially connect with residents and businesses in our community,” says City Manager Terrell Jacobs. “We have an active community, and we want our Georgia partners to know that we support healthy initiatives for our residents.”
To get started, citizens should visit the following, which is the social engagement platform for Active Georgia. To join, new users should register and create an account profile. Citizens can create the account profile by entering their name, email, password, join the community Active Georgia, select team City of Douglas – Coffee County and submit a Captcha code to complete creation of the member profile.
A pop-up should appear saying user registered successfully. A screen will appear for you to submit your activity information. You can submit a distance workout, select the distance workout (cycling, hiking, kayaking, running, spin class, and walking) and then select location. If your activity is hourly, you select hourly workout (aerobics, Zumba, weights, basketball, tennis, etc.), the total hours, and location.
Make sure you check post to communities and select Active Georgia. If you do not, our community will not earn points.
Users should login daily to record their activity. On the tabs to the left of the accomplishments, you will find your points and you can change/add avatar, add friends, check friend requests, upload photo/video, edit your profile, view other communities, and view your point breakdown. You can also click on fitness points, event pictures, and recent activity to see what you have accomplished instead of using your profile tab. To see how our team is doing compared to other cities in Georgia, you can go to the main page and click on Top Teams Points.
Join today and get started showing Georgia that Douglas and Coffee County is a healthy, active community.
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