First Academy will be adding sixth grade for the 2016-17 school year. Classes range from one-year-olds through sixth grade this coming year with plans to expand the middle school and eventually add a high school. All registration for the 2016-17 school year is online at Some classes have filled with waiting lists, but there are still openings in several grades and classes.
First Academy is building a Christian educational legacy in Coffee County by providing a Christ-centered, academically challenging education. The focus is on developing the next generation of leaders and disciples for Christ with a Biblical worldview.
First Academy is fully accredited with quality by the Georgia Accrediting Commission with a curriculum that aligns with Georgia’s standards. Students consistently perform at or above national standards of achievement with most students testing multiple grade levels higher. The broad curriculum reflects the belief that the pursuit of excellence should be every student’s goal with the understanding of a Christian worldview.
First Academy offers a weekly chapel service, Bible, art, music, athletics and other extra-curricular activities to create well-rounded students. The school is a member of the Georgia Independent Christian Athletic Association (GICAA), allowing students to compete in athletics and fine arts events this coming school year.
First Academy is staffed with highly experienced Christian teachers who provide a safe and creative learning environment. Intimate class sizes allow for individual attention and room to excel. Students are being prepared to be successful, responsible, and involved citizens in the community who work to provide positive Christian influence and leadership.
In accordance to the school’s mission, First Academy partners with families in order to provide an environment of academic excellence with Biblical knowledge, while preparing students to be young people of character who represent the Lord Jesus Christ in all walks of life. The school vision is to impact the world by preparing students to become Godly warriors, as they implement discipleship, encourage integrity, and expect excellence.
At First Academy, children are valued individuals preparing to be a lifelong learners and disciples of Christ. Visitors are welcomed any weekday to witness its strong values in Christian education.
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