Students in the pediatric nursing class at South Georgia State College (SGSC) recently showed their support for three-year-old cancer patient Harris Lott by purchasing and wearing lime green “Go Harris Go” t-shirts.
Lisa Batten, assistant professor of nursing, said the idea was developed while the class was reviewing and studying childhood cancer.
Lott is the son of Drs. McGregor and Mary Elizabeth Lott. Dr. Mary Elizabeth Lott is a pediatrician at McKinney Medical Center, and the nursing students utilize the center as a clinical site. Dr. McGregor Lott is an ophthalmologist with Mayo Clinic Health System in Waycross.
“We decided as a class to show support for Harris as he works toward #kickingcancersbutt,” said Batten.
For more information about SGSC’s School of Nursing, call (912) 260-4358 or email nursinginformation @
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