Approximately one hundred-forty fishermen of all ages came out in force last Saturday to make the A.J. Strickland “King of the River” Satilla River Fishing Tournament a great success. Participants lined up at Tindall Enterprises in Blackshear for the weigh in, where over $1000 in cash prizes from sponsors, including the City of Waycross and Representative Chad Nimmer, and donated fishing poles from Winges Bait & Tackle were awarded to five local teams, and young fishers won in four categories a well. Reeal BBQ was present serving their delicious food to the hungry fishermen and women. All participants walked home with a commemorative tournament t-shirt featuring the redbreast sunfish.
The Satilla River Fishing Tournament Results were the following: Grand Slam Winner and Largest Bowfin to Layton, Brooks and Jimmy Anderson of Team “Knox Hotel” of Hortense (11.80lbs and 7.02lbs); Redbreast Stringer Winner David Wilson and David Tucker of Covington and Waycross (2.82 lbs); Largest Redbreast (which was mounted by Neal’s Taxidermy) and Largest Bass to James & Justin Lee of Blackshear (1.20lbs and 4.10lbs); Largest Panfish to Paul Smith & Ryan Clemons of Team “Canes” of Ocilla (1.12lbs); Largest Catfish was a TIE with Nicholas Peacock and Taylor Bagley of Team “Fish Masters” of Blackshear and Bristol (1.90 lbs) and Butch and Kimberly Carter of Blackshear (1.90 lbs); Youth Largest Redbreast and Largest Panfish was Carter Steed of Team “Carter Steed Fishing” of Hortense (0.86 lbs and 1.16lbs); Youth Largest Bowfin was Logan Clark of Team Oddball’s Outlaws of Patterson (2.50 lbs); Youth Largest Catfish was Nathaniel Choate of Team “J&N” of Blackshear (1.60 lbs).
Tournament partners included the DNR Fisheries Management out of Waycross, who conducted the weigh-in of the prized fish. Two DNR angler awards were given out, one to David Wilson who had a 1.01lb (or 1lb 0 ounces), 10.5 inch fish caught on a top water bug with a brim buster pole and one to James Lee who had a 1.20lb (or 1lb & 3.2 ounces), 11 inch fish caught on a earthworm using a Zebco 33.
Bert Deener stated “I’m very excited about this being an annual event. Only thing I hate is that I won’t retire for another eight years, so I can’t fish in it until then!”
Members of A.J. Strickland’s family were there in force as well to hear Satilla Riverkeeper Ashby Nix Worley remember him as a master angler, powerful conservationist, and a true friend of the river.
– Submitted