Coffee County 4-H members have a busy weekend ahead of them at the Rock Eagle 4-H Center. Two of our 4-H members will be competing in the State 4-H Congress Cooking Competitions. At DPA in January, Ruthie Day and Abby Hamilton earned the opportunity to attend State 4-H Congress in Atlanta in late July in foods projects that involve cooking. Since we don’t have the resources to do the cooking at the State Congress event, the cooking events are held each year on the opening day of State 4-H Council at Rock Eagle. Ruthie is in the Festive Foods for Health project and Abby is competing in the Dairy Foods project. This will be 50% of their score at State Congress with the remaining score coming from their DPA Portfolio which was turned in to the State 4-H office back in January.
Coffee County will also have two 4-H members interviewing for the Georgia 4-H Deans Award. Micheal Woods will be interviewing in the Agriculture and Environment project area, while Evie Woodward will be interviewing in the Communications and the Arts project area. There are five project areas and each have approximately 12-15 students competing. In order to interview in these areas, these students first had to complete a cumulative portfolio on their 4-H career. These portfolios included project work, sharing and helping, leadership, community service, and other activities.
Coffee County 4-H will also have twelve students attend and participate in the Georgia 4-H State Council Meeting at Rock Eagle from Friday, June 24, through Sunday, June 26. These students will take part in the annual “Iron Clover” competition, Georgia 4-H Citizenship Ceremony being led by Governor Nathan Deal, enjoy a show being put on by Georgia 4-H Clovers & Co., and elect the 2016-2017 Georgia 4-H State Board of Directors. Coffee County has two 4-H members who threw their hat into the campaign for this board, Bethany Land and Micheal Woods. We want to wish each of them the best of luck as they campaign all weekend for a position on this board. The students will also enjoy a big Rock Eagle dance on Saturday evening.
Coffee County will also be turning in two posters for the June Dairy Month Poster Contest. The theme of this year’s contest is “Get More with Milk,” and the posters had to be an original artwork created by the 4-H member. This contest is sponsored each year by the Southeastern United Dairy Association. The two 4-H members who submitted posters were Anna Grace Grantham and Abby Hamilton.
4-H members enrolled to participate include Asia Davis, Ruthie Day, Rian Hill, Korinda Johnson, Kyya Johnson, Bethany Land, T.K. McIver, Willie Spence, Kaitlyn Stephens, Kayla Tatum, Micheal Woods, and Evie Woodward. Chaperons will include Mr. Mark von Waldner and Mrs. Chalanda Woods.
It’s time to get signed up for this year’s County and State 4-H and FFA Goat Shows. We will be having a sign up/information meeting at Coffee High School in the Animal Science Building on Thursday, June 23, at 6:30 p.m. Goats will be tagged after the meeting for students who already have their goats. An additional tagging date will be announced at this meeting. For more information, please contact the 4-H office at (912) 384-1402 or any of the Coffee County School System agriculture teachers at Coffee Middle, Coffee High, or George Washington Carver Freshman Campus.
If you have questions about the Coffee County 4-H Club program, or questions around the farm or home, please feel free to contact the Coffee County Extension office at (912) 384-1402.
Remember, we are YOUR local connection to the University of Georgia.
– Submitted by Kevin Tatum, Coffee County Extension Coordinator