Five Coffee County Junior 4-H members, along with volunteer leader Chalanda Woods, traveled to the Wahsega 4-H Center near Dahlonega, GA, the week of July 4-10 to participate in the Georgia 4-H Wilderness Challenge Camp. This camp facility is out in the woods about 15 miles from Dahlonega. On their arrival day, they went in to Dahlonega to see the Independence Day fireworks show.
While at camp, the students got to do several high elements in the rope course such as the “Flying Squirrel,” the “Climbing Wall,” and the “Zip Line.” The 4-H members also got to enjoy a trip to explore a cave, even spending the night in the cave. The next morning, they got up, got dressed and went white water rafting on the Ocoee River just north of the Georgia state line in Tennessee.
Coffee County 4-H members who participated in this camp included Jeremiah Brantley, Javonte Grady, Cordelia Hines, Justin Strickland, and Kate Vickers. They were chaperoned by Mrs. Chalanda Woods.
If you have questions about the Coffee County Extension or 4-H program, please feel free to contact the Coffee County Extension office at (912) 384-1402. Remember, we are YOUR local connection to the University of Georgia.
Coffee County Junior 4-H members arrive at Wahsega 4-H Center for a week of Wilderness Challenge Camp. (L to R) Standing: Kate Vickers and Cordelia Hines. Seated: Justin Strickland, Jeremiah Brantley, and Javonte Grady.
– Submitted by Kevin Tatum, Coffee County Extension Coordinator