Satilla Regional Library System welcomed Ms. Linda Brunson of Balloons R 4 Twisting to the Douglas-Coffee County and Willacoochee Public Libraries on Wednesday to perform the show, Balloon Sports.
Ms. Brunson discussed the sports of baseball, basketball, and football while giving a history of each sport. Ms. Brunson gave the children football balloons, and she instructed the audience on how to make a baseball and a basketball with a basketball hoop out of balloons. This was a great interactive performance with the audience, and everyone had a great time!
The final Summer Reading Program performance will be Bright Star Touring Theatre performing the show, The Greatest: Sports Heroes from A-Z on Wednesday, July 27, 2016 at 11 the Douglas/Coffee County Public Library and 2:30 p.m. at the Pearson Public Library. There will be an ice cream party immediately following each performance.
For more information on upcoming youth programs at Satilla Regional Library System, call Miss Julie Macomber, Children’s and Young Adult Librarian, at (912) 384-4667 ext. 222. You can also visit us online at our website,, on Facebook at, and on Twitter @SatillaLibrary.
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