We are getting down to the wire on getting Cloverleaf 4-H members prepared for their Project Achievement competition in Lyons on November 12. We have around 70 students signed up and working on their presentations. They must prepare a five to six minute presentation which includes visuals to present to the judges as well as the other 4-H members competing in their project. We are looking forward to seeing these 4-H members achieve great things as they compete against 4‑H members from other counties in Southeast Georgia.
The Georgia 4-H Statewide Junior 4-H Conference at Rock Eagle 4-H Center is next weekend, November 5-6. The theme for this year’s conference is “Let’s GLOW with 4-H!”, where GLOW stands for Growing Leadership in Outstanding Ways. The weekend will include exciting workshops, meeting new friends, doing service projects, a glow dance, and a Clovers & Co. performance. Coffee County 4-H members registered to participate include Muskan Minhas, Kameron Pannell, and Ishika Sadarangani. Bethany Land is also registered as a Teen Instructor and will be teaching four workshops at the weekend event.
In order to assist 4-H members with raising money to cover their summer camp fees, we have planned another Coca-Cola and Krispy Kreme fundraiser. The forms are ready now for parents to pick up. Orders and money are due back in the 4-H office by 4 p.m. on Monday, November 14. The donuts will be here for you to pick up and deliver to your customers on Thursday, November 17. We usually have them ready for pick up around 11 or 11:30 a.m. The Coca-Cola pick up will be on Tuesday, December 6, from 2 to 4 p.m. Please put these dates on your calendar so that you don’t forget.
If you would like to learn how you can become more involved with the Coffee County 4-H program, please contact the Coffee County Extension office at (912) 384-1402 or visit our website at
– Submitted by Kevin Tatum, Coffee County Extension Coordinator