Students and staff at Indian Creek Elementary took a stand against drugs and bullying during Red Ribbon Week.
Monday was Sock it to Drugs Day. Tuesday was Peace Out to Drugs Day. On Wednesday, we teamed up against drugs with the Atlanta Falcons. On Thursday, we dressed in pink to show our support in the fight against breast cancer, and Friday we wore orange to show unity against bullying.
Several visitors joined us this week to help us learn ways to stay drug free and put an end to bullying. Thank you to the Coffee County Drug Unit and Buddy Curry (former Falcon player), who challenged students to “Rise Up and Take a Stand against Drugs.” Mr. Curry also shared five core principles with students that will assist them with being game changers in their lives: excellence, perseverance, sportsmanship, teamwork, and integrity.
Other special guests included Coffee County EMT and Scott Harper, who taught students ways to be safe when a gun is nearby and how to stop bullying at school. Mr. Harper stressed the three L’s when students see a gun: Leave it alone. Leave the area. Let an adult know.
Also, a big thanks to our parents for your help this week, too!
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