Luke Christian, CEO/Founder of Ranchero’s Fresh Grill, has announced that beginning November 14, 2016, Ranchero’s restaurants in Douglas, Waycross and Tifton will be changing their name to Surcheros Fresh Grill.
Ranchero’s Fresh Grill first opened in Douglas in 2007. The build-your-own style Tex-Mex restaurant quickly gained popularity. Therefore, in 2008, Christian opened a second location in Waycross. Then, in 2012, a third location in Tifton.
With the desire to grow and branch out to more areas, the decision was made to begin franchising. Franchising would mean moving into not just rural South Georgia, but nationwide. Because of this, it was determined that a re-branding was necessary. This involved changing the look of the company and the name.
For the guests of the restaurant, they will only notice the name, restaurant decor and team member uniforms changing. Surcheros will continue to offer the Tex-Mex menu that made Ranchero’s a popular eating place in our communities.
In time, the three current locations will be undergoing a remodel to reflect the new look of the brand. Currently, the first Surcheros Fresh Grill is under construction in Dublin. With a fresh, clean, updated look, this restaurant will be the prototype store for the franchised restaurants to come in the near future. Upon completion in Dublin, the first franchised restaurants will begin construction in Jesup and Moultrie.
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