Citizens in Douglas and Coffee County are invited to start a season of giving by participating in the Coffee County Community Toy Drive. The City of Douglas, along with many local community agencies, are hosting a community toy drive for boys and girls ages 12 & Under.
The toy drive will begin during the Community Thanksgiving Spectacular, which will be held on Saturday, November 19, from 4 to 7 p.m. A combination of events will take place downtown beginning at the Martin Centre with a Community Musical and Toy Drive at 4 p.m., followed by a Tree Lighting Ceremony at 6:30 p.m. at Atkinson Plaza.
“We have approximately 1,000 youth in our community who are on toy lists with local agencies,” says Mayor Tony Paulk. “In the past, we have received help from Toys for Tots to assist with our Community Toy Drive, however, this year, Toys for Tots will not be participating. We need our community to support this. Local citizens and businesses are encouraged to donate a toy or make monetary donations.”
Entry to the Thanksgiving Spectacular at the Martin Centre will be a $10 donation or a new $10 unwrapped child’s toy. Local businesses and community agencies will also have large, wrapped boxes at their entrances for people to donate an unwrapped toy for boys and girls.
Law enforcement agencies will setup on several dates beginning Nov. 19 through Dec. 15 at area businesses for toy collection. The Georgia State Patrol will set up on Saturday, Dec. 3 from 9 a.m. to noon at Walmart to accept toy donations and also provide car seat checks for citizens.
Toys collected will be distributed on December 17 from 9 a.m. to noon at Central Square Complex. Qualifying families will be contacted to participate on toy distribution day at Central Square Complex. If a business would rather make a monetary donation for the Community Toy Drive, checks can be sent to: Community Toy Drive, 211 S. Gaskin Avenue, Douglas, GA 31533.
All monetary donations collected will be used to purchase gifts for the children.
Special thanks to Southwire, Georgia State Patrol, CSRA Probation Services, Coffee County Sheriff’s Office, Douglas Police Department, Douglas Fire Department, Salvation Army, City of Douglas and other community agencies for their contribution to this event.
To make a donation or to donate a $10 toy in advance, please stop by the Douglas Visitor Information Center located at 211 S. Gaskin Avenue. For more information, call 912-383-0277 or 912-384-6070.
– Submitted