The City of Douglas Police Department and the Coffee County Sheriff’s Office recently received a joint, one-year extension to the 2012 Highway Enforcement of Aggressive Traffic (H.E.A.T.) Grant from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety in the amount of $111,719.42.
The H.E.A.T. program is a multi-jurisdictional program with one officer from the Douglas Police Department and one officer from the Coffee County Sheriff’s Office who each have the authority to patrol the city and county.
The purpose of the H.E.A.T. program is to decrease accidents on Georgia’s highways by focusing on DUI’s, aggressive drivers, speeders, seatbelts, child restraints and other causes of fatalities on highways. Each entity will receive equal shares of the grant which includes salaries, benefits, travel, training, telecommunication equipment, and operating expenses for the two officers.
The HEAT Grant will fund 60% of the cost for the expenses with the local governments sharing the 40% required match.
– Submitted