Each year, Senior 4-H members (9th – 12th graders) gather at the Rock Eagle 4-H Center during the second weekend in December for a conference called Fall Forum. The theme for this year’s conference is “4-H Vacation: Paradise at the Rock”. The conference will be held on December 10 & 11. 4-H members can volunteer to enter an exhibit in the annual exhibit fair, submit an application to teach classes, or even take part in the 4K run/walk. They will also get to see Clovers & Co. perform which is a real treat. Clovers & Co. is a group of approximately 40 4-H members from all over Georgia who have auditioned and been selected to be a part of this performing arts group. They perform at various 4-H functions as well as events like the Georgia National Fair each year.
Coffee County will be well represented this year. We have nine students registered to attend along with one of our staff members. In addition to all of the activities at the conference, most really like being able to meet new friends as well as visit with other friends from across the state. It’s like a big family reunion in which our kids are really looking forward to attending.
The 4-H target sports programs are dependent on volunteers to organize and run them. If you know of an adult who would like to help with one of the programs, please have them contact the 4‑H office at 384-1402. A Certified Coaches Training will be held at Rock Eagle on January 20-22, and we need to get them enrolled as soon as possible for the workshop. They must complete the University of Georgia requirements for becoming a volunteer before being able to attend the workshop. This process can sometimes take three to four weeks to complete. So don’t delay if you are interested in this great opportunity to work with some wonder youth in our county.
If you would like to learn how you can become more involved with the Coffee County 4-H program, please contact the Coffee County Extension office at (912) 384-1402 or visit our website at http://coffee4h.org.
– Submitty by Kevin Tatum, Coffee County Extension Coordinator