We have scheduled the next Cloverleaf 4-H Dance for 5th and 6th grade 4-H members on Thursday, Feb. 16, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Indian Creek Elementary School. Admission for the dance is $10 plus 4-H members must have a 4-H wristband to be admitted. You must pay the admission fee at the door. Door prizes will be given away including two $25 summer camp scholarships.
4-H wristbands cost twenty-five cents and are only available from your 4-H teacher the day of the dance. You are only allowed to purchase one wristband for the dance and you must get it from the teacher with whom you have 4‑H meetings. The wristband must be put on your arm at the time of purchase and is not transferable to another person. Students who fail to follow the rules at the dance will not be allowed to purchase wristbands for future dances.
Rules to follow include: Respect dance leaders, keep dancing clean and respectable, no running, no rough play, and no fighting.
Concessions will be available to purchase including drinks, pizza, chips, candy, and jerky.
PARENTS: The dance ends at 8 p.m. Please pick up your child between 8 and 8:30 p.m. All 4-H members will need to be picked up no later than 8:30 p.m. please.
The County Market Hog Show will be held on Monday, Feb. 20, starting around 2 p.m., at the Wiregrass Arena in Nicholls. This show is sponsored by the Coffee County Swine Boosters Club and is open to 4-H, FFA, and pre-club members.
The State Market Hog Show, State Steer & Heifer Shows, and State Breeding Goat Show will be held in Perry at the Georgia National Fairgrounds beginning on Wednesday, Feb. 22, and running through Sunday, Feb. 26. These shows are only for 4-H and FFA members. Please come and support our youth involved in these events.
All sixth grader 4-H members who are interested in participating in Junior DPA in 2018 as a seventh grader should make plans to attend the sign up meeting on Thursday, Feb. 23 at 4 p.m., in the 4-H office. We will be discussing the differences between Cloverleaf DPA and Junior DPA as well as signing you up for a project. Junior DPA is a weekend trip to Rock Eagle, usually in early February. Make sure you get signed up by coming to this meeting.
If you have questions about the Coffee County 4-H Club program, or questions around the farm or home, please feel free to contact the Coffee County Extension office at (912) 384-1402. Remember, we are YOUR local connection to the University of Georgia.
– Submitted by Kevin D. Tatum, Coffee County Extension Coordinator