Authorities have been busy in Alma over the last couple of days.
Thursday evening, the Alma Police Department executed a search warrant at the home of Betty Ann Wertz, 602 N. Wayne St. Officers seized crack cocaine, powder cocaine, marijuana, and a variety of pain medications.
The following individuals were arrested and charged as follows: Betty Ann Wertz, 50, of Alma, possession of a Schedule IV controlled substance (two counts) and sale of marijuana; Lisa Michelle Butler, 46, of Alma, possession of cocaine and possession of a Schedule II controlled substance; Robert Antonio Faulk, 33, of Alma, possession of cocaine; James Lee Harrison, 40, of Macon, possession of cocaine and possession of marijuana (misdemeanor); and Benjamin Stanley Tanner, 61, of Alma, possession of cocaine and possession of a Schedule II controlled substance.
Friday evening, the Alma Police Department made two separate drug arrests while conducting concentrated patrols in neighborhoods affected by property crimes over the last 12 months. James Brown, 38, of Alma, was arrested at Goldwasser Park for possession of cocaine and misdemeanor possession of marijuana. Brown was also wanted out of Ware County for multiple traffic offenses. William Person, 50, of Alma, was arrested on N. Church Street at Ammons Road for possession of cocaine.