Students throughout Eastside Elementary School enjoyed celebrating the memory of Dr. Seuss on his birthday March 2. Dr. Seuss’ contribution to early childhood literature was tremendous, and many of the books he wrote and illustrated are still being implemented into early childhood Curriculum. What a treasure Dr. Seuss’ literature has been for many decades!
On this special day, know nationwide as Read Across America Day, many guest readers were seen on campus reading, some characters from his book hopping through the halls, silly socks being worn and various types of Whoville hairdos joining in the celebration.
There was a special treat of green eggs and ham prepared by the Eastside Eagles Cafe’ for everyone to enjoy for breakfast. For many students, this was the first time they had every tried….green eggs!
In an overwhelming tally count, students like green eggs and ham in Eastside Pre-K. Do you like green eggs and ham?