Wiregrass Georgia Technical College will be accepting new student applications for Summer Semester on Free Application Day, March 23. Any new student who applies in person on this day will have the application fee waived. Free Application Day will be held on the Ben Hill-Irwin Campus, Coffee Campus, Cook County WDC Campus, Moody AFB Extended Campus, and the Valdosta Campus from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Students now have two choices for earning summer college credits at Wiregrass. Regular full term semester classes begin May 15 and new this summer is Wiregrass’ Summer Express. This short seven week long semester will run from May 30 to July 25. “The Summer Express terms offers several benefits for those unsure about taking summer classes. It gives graduating high school seniors time to finish their senior year and then begin taking a few classes during the summer. It is also a good time for those that would like to enjoy a few weeks of summer vacation with their children after the school year ends and before the next one begins. The shorter express term opens up more time for those things while not taking away from continuing your educational goals. There will be a schedule of general education core and allied health courses offered during the Summer Express term.”
Wiregrass has 34 programs that qualify for the Georgia Strategic Industries Workforce Development Grant. Students enrolled in these programs could qualify for additional monies financial assistance to help pay for college. Information on Summer Semester, Summer Express Semester, or Free Application Day, visit www.wiregrass.edu or call 229-333-2100.