By Kevin Tatum
The Coffee County Extension office wants to announce the addition of a new County Extension Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources. Mr. Jeremy Taylor comes to Coffee County with four years of experience working in counties with row crops and blueberries. He has almost completed his master’s degree through the University of Georgia Tifton Campus in Plant Protection and Pest Management. Jeremy may be contacted at the Coffee County Extension office at (912) 384-1402. He is available to answer questions related to farming issues as well as issues around the home. Give him a call today and welcome him to Coffee County.
Camp Payment Deadline
I want to remind all of the 4-H members and parents that all camp payments are due by Monday, May 1st. This includes Cloverleaf Camp to Rock Eagle 4-H Center, Junior Camp to Camp Jekyll, Wilderness Challenge Camp to Wahsega 4-H Center, and Senior Camp to Rock Eagle 4-H Center.
BB Team Prepares for Area Match
The Coffee County 4-H BB Rifle Team will be competing this weekend in the Area BB Match in Pierce County. Teams must compete in an area match to qualify to advance to the State 4-H BB Match at Rock Eagle on May 6th.
4-H members registered to compete include: J.J. Aldridge, Abby Greer, Harleigh Hope, Allison Merritt, Caelan Merritt, Kameron Pennell, Nicholas Pennell, Mason Stewart, Huey Underhill, and Sara Vickers. Coaches include W.B. Merritt and Melissa Merritt with assistance by Melody McCook and Nicole Taylor.
BB Teams Seeks Your Support
The 4-H BB Team has earned a bid to compete in the Daisy National BB Gun Championship Match in Rogers, Arkansas, this summer. In order to compete in this match, they will have to travel to Rogers and have housing for four or five nights. This will be a very costly venture. In order to be able to travel to the competition, they are seeking financial support from local businesses and individuals. Donations can be made to the BB team by making checks payable to Coffee County Extension / 4-H and mailed to 709 E. Ward Street, Douglas, GA 31533. Any amount is greatly appreciated.
If you have questions about the Coffee County 4-H Club program, or questions around the farm or home, please feel free to contact the Coffee County Extension office at (912) 384-1402. Remember, we are YOUR local connection to the University of Georgia.