As a part of the “Shame on You” Anti-Litter and Beautification Program, offenders who are caught in the act of littering, illegally dumping, vandalizing property, or dumpster diving could have their names/photos posted on the City’s social media platforms, Channel 13, and could face a fine of up to $1,000.
Due to a recent increase in vandalism in the parks and illegal dumping, the City of Douglas would like to urge citizens to help keep Douglas clean and visibly pleasing by reporting suspicious activity, vandalism, and illegal dumping to the “See Something, Say Something” Crime Tip line. “Our citizens should take action to make our community a better place,” says City Manager Terrell Jacobs. “Anyone who sees another person vandalizing property or illegally dumping property should contact the See Something, Say Something Tip Line and report the incident.”
Any person who disposes or dumps items illegally is committing a crime. Offenders could face a penalty of a fine up to $1,000. Citizens are encouraged to request additional trash carts for their residence or participate in monthly, residential Community Junk Drop Off days.
“In the last week, we’ve had some problems with vandalism such as soap suds in the fountain at Atkinson Plaza, graffiti at Emma Ward Park, and sidewalk chalk on the tennis courts at Wheeler Park,” says Stevie Young, Parks and Recreation Director. “While sidewalk chalk drawing on a tennis court and soap suds in the fountain may seem trivial, please realize City workers must pressure wash the chalk off the tennis court which will cause damage to the court surface and a private company must be called in to clean the fountain because soap suds in the fountain will damage the pump system.”
Citizens are encouraged to report repairs, electrical outages, potholes, and other related items to the See Something, Say Something to the non-criminal line by dialing 3-1-1 or 912-384-3302. To report criminal activity such as illegal dumping, vandalism, and suspicious activity call the See Something Say Something Anonymous Crime Tip line at 912- 260-3600 or if immediate attention is needed, dial 9-1-1.