By Kevin Tatum
4-H Project Achievement is a cornerstone in the Georgia 4-H program. It is a self-directed individual competition including presentations and, at the junior and senior level, a documented record of project work, leadership and service activities done throughout the year. The goal is for participants to: acquire an understanding of a subject matter in one of 50 project areas; develop skills in researching, assembling, and presenting information; develop skills in leadership, service and communication; and develop and enhance qualities of integrity, sportsmanship, cooperation and self-confidence.
Project Achievement for junior and senior 4-H members (grades 7-12) culminates with a weekend competition at Rock Eagle 4-H Center near Eatonton, Georgia. For the 2018 Project Achievement, cost for the weekend will be $100 per person. But 4-H members can ear the trip for free by meeting the deadlines listed below. For each deadline the 4-H member meets, Coffee County 4-H will pay $25 towards the $100 fee. For each deadline missed, the 4-H member will be expected to pay $25 of the fee. For example, if the 4-H member misses two deadlines, he/she would pay $50 for the weekend competition.
Deadlines include: Project area speeches, recipes and song choices along with your intro are due into the office by 5pm on May 1st. 4-H’ers in Performing Arts will need to present their projects at a club meeting on or before May 11th. 4-H’ers in the food project will need to submit their written recipe/menu and set up a date to cook with Mrs. Alyse before June 1st. Demonstration posters are also due on June 1st. All portfolio drafts are due into the office on Aug 1st. Final portfolio copies are due on Dec. 15th by 4 pm.
Remember, if all deadlines are met, the 4-H member gets to go to the competition at Rock Eagle for the whole weekend for FREE. Don’t miss these deadlines.
4-H Honors Night
Each year, Coffee County 4-H holds a program to recognize our 4-H members who have been active in 4-H competitions and community service projects. Competitions include District Project Achievement (DPA), poultry judging, livestock shows (cattle, goats, hogs, and horses), and target sports contests (archery, air pistol, air rifle, 22 rifle, BB rifle, and shotgun). We also recognize students for their participation in community service projects like the Adopt-A-Highway workdays, Pet Therapy visitation days, and bell ringing for the Salvation Army to name a few.
This year’s honors night program will be held on Monday, May 8th, at 6 PM in the sanctuary of the First Baptist Church of Douglas. Invitations were mailed out last week for the program, so be on the lookout for them if you were involved in any of these activities. If you do not receive your invitation, please contact the 4-H office at 384-1402 to let us know. Friends and family are welcome to attend.
Junior/Senior Summer Activities
We have scheduled two summer programs for Junior/Senior 4-H members. One will be a trip to Ichetucknee Springs on Wednesday, July 12th. The cost will be $20, lunch is not included. The other will be a trip to Atlanta to see the Braves play in their new stadium, see the laser show at Stone Mountain, and eat and play at Dave n Busters on Friday, July 14 through Sunday, July 16th. The cost will be $110 including hotel lodging, the Braves game and 2 continental breakfasts. The cost of souvenirs, meals, and other activities will be your responsibility.
A deposit of half of the fee for either of these trips is due in the 4-H office by Friday, April 28th. The balance of the fees is due by Thursday, June 1st.
Cloverleaf Summer Activity Payments Due
4-H members signed up for the Cloverleaf 4-H Summer Activities should get the balance of their fees turned in by Friday, May 12th, to the 4-H office.
Camp Payment Deadline
I want to remind all of the 4-H members and parents that all camp payments are due by Monday, May 1st. This includes Cloverleaf Camp to Rock Eagle 4-H Center, Junior Camp to Camp Jekyll, Wilderness Challenge Camp to Wahsega 4-H Center, and Senior Camp to Rock Eagle 4-H Center.
BB Team Seeks Support
The 4-H BB Team has earned a bid to compete in the Daisy National BB Gun Championship Match in Rogers, Arkansas, this summer. In order to compete in this match, they will have to travel to Rogers and have housing for four or five nights. This will be a very costly venture. In order to be able to travel to the competition, they are seeking financial support from local businesses and individuals. Donations can be made to the BB team by making checks payable to Coffee County Extension / 4-H and mailed to 709 E. Ward Street, Douglas, GA 31533. Any amount is greatly appreciated.
If you have questions about the Coffee County 4-H Club program, or questions around the farm or home, please feel free to contact the Coffee County Extension office at (912) 384-1402. Remember, we are YOUR local connection to the University of Georgia.