At the regular May 8, 2017 meeting of the City of Douglas Mayor and Commission the commission authorized the submission of an Employment Incentive Program (EIP) application to the Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA). EIP is a funding program utilized along with traditional private funding to carry out development projects resulting in employment for people of low and moderate income.The application will be seeking funds in the amount of $750,000.
The mayor and commission also authorized an application to OneGeorgia for funds in the amount of $250,000. OneGeorgia is another division of DCA which supplies funds to rural counties with poverty rates greater than ten percent. If the applications are approved, the funds will be used to widen a roadway in the industrial park to better serve Elixir Extrusions. The widened road will be located at the junction of GA-206 and Pope Drive. Elixir is planning an expansion that will add 100 new jobs. The project will result in a public road, not one to be utilized solely by Elixir Extrusions.
Also at the regular meeting the commission approved the application of the Douglas-Coffee County Chamber of Commerce seeking an alcoholic beverage special event permit. The Chamber of Commerce will celebrating Adult Prom on May 13 at the Atrium. Police Chief Casteloes reviewed and approved the application. The commission also approved advertisements in local media outlets regarding three upcoming vacancies on the county’s library board. Betty Royals and Faye Davis have both served six years and must vacate their seats for at least one year before being eligible to serve again. There is also a third vacancy. That seat on the board has been vacant for some time and needs to be filled.
The commissioners and mayor also approved the recommendation that they reappoint Chris Trowell to another three-year term on the library board.