Registration for summer semester at South Georgia State College is currently underway. Students may register online or attend an onsite registration at the campus they plan to attend. Onsite registration will be held at the Douglas Campus and the Waycross Campus on June 1, 2017 at 9:30 a.m. The first day of class is Monday, June 5.
Payment is due at the time registration occurs. Students can complete their degree faster and save money by taking summer classes at SGSC. If a student is attending another institution and would like to register for classes at SGSC for summer term on a transient basis, they can be considered by presenting a letter of recommendation from the registrar of the institution that he/she last attended. This letter must indicate the transient student is approved to register at South Georgia State College.
For more information about summer semester at South Georgia State College, please contact the Office of Admissions at (912) 260-4206 or visit