By Vicki Kirkland
GWCFC Journalism Student
On May 16, students and their families gathered in the George Washington Carver Freshman Campus (GWCFC) gymnasium to honor the students’ achievements over the school year. Posed with phones and cameras, the parents sat patiently through the Pledge of Allegiance until the class of 2020 emerged from behind a wall in one prideful line. Also, watching the awards were the teachers that have been with these students from day one, teachers who may have been just as proud as the families. Directly after all students were seated, the GWCFC chorus sang to the crowd, led by Ms. Tania Myers, and then joined their classmates.
As for all honors gatherings, the purpose of this night was to celebrate all the accomplishments that the ninth graders had worked for throughout the past two semesters, all containing homework, quiz grades, and the infamous finals looming in front of them. The participants were called from their seats to the front, where Counselor Sarah Warren handed them a certificate with an accompanying handshake, after being called foreword by Honors Literature teacher and Coffee County Teacher of the Year, Ms. Simona Watts-Lacoste. Awards such as the Trojan Award, Honor Roll, and the Covenant Church Character Award were presented to deserving students over the span of around 45 minutes.
Timothy J. Tucker, Jr., was the chosen pupil for the Covenant Church Character Award, and as he stood, he was met with a mass of congratulations from students, parents, and teachers. Timothy stated it was “truly an honor to be even thought of because it shows that I am making a difference” in the school community. Tucker was also presented with a $50 check to spend how he chose. Josiah Killiebrew was the Trojan Award recipient which was voted on by the students, and he received a Kindle and case as his award.
Honors night essentially marked the end of the school year the students because of its setting in the last week of school for Coffee County enrolled students. This set both a joyful and subdued tone in mind as pictures were taken, certificates in hand. Before leaving, GWCFC Principal Abe Morris gave a speech of goodbye and told the students to always remember “some of your best times were probably on this campus”, and he hopes that years in the future, himself and the other teachers will be remembered.