The following voters have qualified to run for office in the upcoming elections in the cities of Ambrose and Nicholls.
Ambrose Mayor (Vote for One): Brad Vickers
Ambrose City Council (Vote for 5): Joshua Henry Milhollin (Incumbent), Ali Paulk (Incumbent), Blaine Paulk, Daniel S. Paulk (Incumbent), Denise Paulk (Incumbent), Andy Jowers
The following voters have qualified to run for office.
Nicholls Mayor (Vote for One): Adrice “Tamon” Frost, Charles Palmer, Dewayne Streat (Incumbent)
Nicholls City Council (Vote for 5): J. D. Anderson (Incumbent), Tracey Darby, Thomas “Popeye” Frost (Incumbent), Charles “Sneaky” Grady (Incumbent), Phillip J. Grady (Incumbent), Kathy Streat (Incumbent), Glynn H. Tanner, David Taylor, Allen Thompson, Thomas Whitley