The Coffee County Sheriff’s Office and the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety are teaming up with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration this holiday season to remind all motorists that drinking and driving will not only get you on Santa’s naughty list, but it will also send you straight to jail.
From Dec. 15 to Jan. 2, law enforcement all over the state will be looking to prevent tragedy before it strikes during the holiday enforcement campaign, “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.” While Georgia’s impaired driving laws are enforced 24/7/365, the holiday season brings extra emphasis because of the increased number of travelers hitting the road.
In 2016, Georgia experienced 368 alcohol-impaired fatalities, which is 10 more than 2015, for a total of 24 percent of all traffic fatalities. According to NHTSA, 37,461 people were killed in traffic crashes in 2016, and 28 percent of those fatalities involved a driver with a blood alcohol concentration above the legal limit of .08, the current limit in all 50 states. These crash deaths affect motorists, passengers and pedestrians alike.
Drinking and driving should never be combined. It’s essential to plan a sober ride in advance if the holiday celebration will include alcohol.
- The Coffee Co. Sheriff’s Office suggests the following safety tips to enjoy a safe night out this holiday season:
- Plan ahead. If you plan to drink, plan for a sober driver to take you home. If it’s your turn to be the designated driver, take the responsibility seriously.
- Remember that it is never okay to drink and drive. Even if you’ve only had one alcoholic beverage, designate a sober driver or plan to use public transportation to get home safely.
- Download GOHS’ ‘Drive Sober, Georgia’ smartphone app for a list of sober ride programs and taxi services in your area or program taxi company phone numbers into your phone ahead of time.
- Be prepared to take keys away from someone who is impaired and if you see an impaired driver while on the road, call 9-1-1 or dial *GSP from your cell phone to be connected to the nearest state patrol post.
For more information on the impaired driving program at the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, go to or visit us on social media at and @gohsgeorgia on Twitter.