The City of Douglas welcomes citizens to attend and participate in City Commission meetings. When a citizen has a concern or question for the local government, there are guidelines that need to take place prior to the meeting. There are two methods in which a citizen may be placed on the City Commission Work Session Agenda – as a person whose concerns are voiced as an individual agenda item or as a person who may speak during general comments which are restricted to three minutes.
“We welcome our citizens to address their concerns with us,” says Mayor Tony Paulk. “Our door is always open and we invite the public to address us with any questions or concerns.”
Method 1 – If a citizen wishes to be placed on the City Commission Work Session Agenda, the citizen should submit a request in writing at the City Manager’s office no later than Noon on the Wednesday prior to the Commission meeting on Monday. After hearing from the citizen in the Work Session, the Mayor and Commissioners will decide if that concern should be carried over into the regular Commission meeting.
Method 2 – If a citizen wishes to be placed on the City Commission Work Session agenda under the general comments section, the citizen should notify the City Manager’s office no later than Noon on the day of the City Commission meeting. Under the general comments section of the City Commission Work Session meeting, the speaking time will be limited to three minutes.
Regular City Commission meetings are held on the second and fourth Mondays at 7 p.m. at City Hall in the Council Room unless the Commission meeting is rescheduled due to holidays or other conflicts. If the Commission meeting is rescheduled, the rescheduled date and time will be properly publicized. For more information, please contact the City Manager’s office at 912-