Retired teachers make donation to Satilla Regional Library
The Coffee Atkinson Retired Educators Association (CAREA) presented Satilla Regional Library Interim Director, Stephen Whigman, a monetary donation in memory of their deceased members for 2017-2019. The donation will be used to purchase children’s books for the public libraries of Coffee and Atkinson counties.
This is a project for the local unit of the Georgia Retired Educators Association. CAREA Library Chairman Leola Johnson presented the check to Director Stephen Whigman in memory of deceased members of 2017-2019. The deceased members for 2017-18 were Margaret Lie-Nielsen, Ginny Lockwood, Lorraine McGovern, Joyce Moore, Travis Outz, and Juanita Roundtree. The deceased members of 2018-2019 were: Phoebe Haskins, Jean Josey, Margaret Mizell, Wanda Murray, Dr. Laura Mell Pope, Gary Teter, Robert Tift, and Myrtlene Whitworth.
Others present for the presentation at the library were CAREA members: Sue White, Lena Vickers, Lilla Deems, Linda Cribbs, CAREA President Cheryl Evans, Dr. Betty Perkins, Jessie Porter, Montez Woodward, Peggy Hurd, Dr. Elizabeth White, Sandy Gibbs, Betty Anne Smith, Irene Murray and Evon Floyd.