Southern Region Teen Leadership Conference to take place in Tennessee
By Kevin Tatum, County Extension Coordinator
Senior 4-H members are invited to take part in a Southern Region 4-H event on September 19-22. This event is open to 4-H members from 13 southern states. There are workshops, a taste of the south event, 4K road race, dance, fun and games, and a special community service project. The cost is $320 to attend the Southern Region Teen Leadership Conference and it will be held at the Clyde York 4-H Center in Crossville, Tenn.
You can also apply to teach a “Funshop” workshop. This will look great in your DPA portfolio. Registration deadline is Friday, August 30.
Livestock Show Update
The county goat show will be held on Saturday, September 21, starting around 10 AM, at the Coffee Middle School Livestock Facility in Douglas. Please come and support our youth involved in this event. The state show will be held in conjunction with the Georgia National Fair with weigh in on Thursday, October 3, and shows on Friday, October 4, and Saturday, October 5.
Also, students interested in showing cattle should contact Mr. Kevin at the 4-H office at 384-1402 or Mr. Michael Berry at Coffee High School as soon as possible. The state entry deadline is approaching quickly and all cattle must be tagged, tattooed, and registered.
The tagging date for hogs will be in mid to late November. All animals will be tagged at the Coffee Middle School Livestock Facility. Please make sure that you have your animals there so you can participate in the shows this year.
4-H Week Public Service Announcements
Junior and Senior 4-H members will meet up at the 4-H office on Monday, September 16, to record public service announcements (PSA’s). These PSA’s will be played on local radio stations during National 4-H Week (October 7-13). 4-H members are asked to write their own PSA around their DPA project so as to help with content for their portfolio.
Students interested in doing this should sign up by September 9 by turning in a copy of their PSA to the 4-H office of their written PSA.
4-H Officer Training
4-H members who are elected or appointed to serve as an officer for their school or community club are asked to attend the upcoming 4-H Officer’s Training Workshop on Tuesday, September 17. The training will take place at the First Baptist Church in Douglas starting at 5:30 PM with dinner. Parents should plan to pick you up at 7:30 PM.
Georgia National Fair Deadlines
It’s almost fair time! And that means it’s time to think about entering the many contests and events available to 4-H’ers at the Georgia National Fair in Perry. The dates for the fair are October 4-14, but the entry deadline for Coffee County 4-H’ers is 4:00 PM on Wednesday, September 11. NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE PROCESSED!
Contests for 4-H members include: Computer Graphic Design, Decorated Agricultural Products, Recycling, Terrarium/Dish Garden, Family Scarecrow Building Contest, Instant Camera Photography, Public Speaking, Variety Show, Family Seed Art, Cotton Boll Speech, Family Pumpkin Decorating, Cloverleaf Peanut Contest, Cupcake Masters, Healthy Commodity Contest (Strawberries), Homemade Ice Cream, and Pizza Contest.
You can get a copy of the rules for each contest/event from the 4-H office or by visiting the Georgia National Fair website at (go to Georgia Living→Youth Educational Exhibits→Competitions-4-H). Registration forms and exhibits/entries must be turned in to the county 4-H office by September 11.
For more information about the Georgia National Fair, you may contact the fair at (800)987-3247 or (800) YUR-FAIR or visit their web site at
Georgia National Fair Livestock Shows
4-H and FFA members who plan to show livestock in the Georgia National Fair must remember to register their animals through the fair’s online registration website ( The deadline to get them registered is Saturday, September 1. The agriculture teachers and I recommend that you do not wait until the last minute to do this in case you have difficulty with the online process. A credit/debit card is required to process the registration fee.
Georgia National Fair Trip
Plans are being made for Junior and Senior 4-H members to go to the Georgia National Fair on Tuesday, October 8. The tentative fee for attending the trip is $40 per person. This includes admission to the fair, an armband for the rides, insurance, and transportation. The fee is due in the 4-H office no later than Friday, September 6.
If you have questions about the Coffee County 4-H Club program, or questions around the farm or home, please feel free to contact the Coffee County Extension office at (912) 384-1402. Remember, we are YOUR local connection to the University of Georgia.