Recently, advisers of the Coffee High FBLA Chapter hosted a S.L.O.T.S. (Summer Leadership and Officer Training Summit) meeting in celebration of their new officers. During this meeting, officers were able to participate in several leadership building activities. Of the many activities, the “Back-to-Back” and “Birthday Lineup” were the most memorable.
In the Back-to-Back activity, officers were prompted to stand in a single-file line. Their advisers then drew an image and/or symbol to show the last person in the line. The caboose, so to speak, copied that same picture onto the back of the person in front of them, with their finger. This continued until the person standing at the front of the line told their version of the picture aloud, to see how accurately the person behind them replicated the original picture. This activity gave the members valuable insight on the business skills necessary for their future careers. One of the major skills highlighted was communication, and the consequences of miscommunication.
Aside from leadership building activities, attendees were able to watch the virtual session hosted by our very own Georgia FBLA, where the members were able to learn their roles and responsibilities as an officer. Afterwards, officers discussed goals pertaining to this school year that they hoped to achieve as a chapter.
Although this specific summit was virtual, and not in Cordele, as per usual, the officers were able to gain valuable knowledge about their specific roles and organization. This meeting also made for a wonderful bonding experience.