Members of the State Executive Committee of the Georgia Republican Party unanimously agreed to issue the following open letter to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger:
Dear Mr. Secretary:
As you are aware, we urged you during the general election to issue a bulletin authorizing our monitors to observe the absentee ballot verification process. This bulletin was regrettably not issued and we have grave concerns as to whether or not proper verification took place.
In Fulton County, two members of the Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections voted against certifying the returns of the election because of concerns over absentee ballot verification in that county. Georgia Republican Party Chairman David Shafer and Congressman Doug Collins on behalf of President Donald J. Trump wrote to you immediately after the election requesting an audit of the absentee ballots cast in the 2020 General Election prior to certifying the returns.
On Friday, after you certified the returns without auditing the absentee ballots, Governor Brian Kemp publicly called on you to conduct an absentee ballot audit.
We write today, as members of the State Executive Committee of the Georgia Republican Party and citizens of the State of Georgia, to urge you, in the strongest possible terms, to order an immediate audit of the absentee ballots cast in the 2020 General Election. This audit must include verification of signature match.
We believe an audit is imperative to assure the integrity of the election and restore the shattered confidence in our electoral system.
State Executive Committee of the Georgia Republican Party
David Shafer, State Chairman
Jason Thompson, National Committeeman
Ginger Howard, National Committeewoman
John Watson, Immediate Past State Chairman
Carolyn Fisher, First Vice Chairman
Brant Frost V, Second Vice Chairman
Michael Welsh, Secretary
B.J. Van Gundy, Assistant Secretary
Joseph Brannan, Treasurer
Vikki Consiglio, Assistant Treasurer
John White, Parliamentarian
Phil Lott, First Congressional District Chairman
Brandon Phillips, Second Congressional District Chairman
Mike Crane, Third Congressional District Chairman
Rachel Little, Fourth Congressional District Chairman
Brandon Seigler, Fifth Congressional District Chairman
David Belle Isle, Sixth Congressional District Chairman
Joel Natt, Seventh Congressional District Chairman
Bethany Ballard, Eighth Congressional District Chairman
Rebecca Yardley, Ninth Congressional District Chairman
Karen Schwind, Tenth Congressional District Chairman
Brad Carver, Eleventh Congressional District Chairman
Buck Moon, Twelfth Congressional District Chairman
Bob Hinton, Thirteenth Congressional District Chairman
Darrell Galloway, Fourteenth Congressional District Chairman
Jason Shepherd, Cobb County Chairman representing large population counties
Cathy Latham, Coffee County Chairman representing small population counties