Created in 1999 by the family of J. Patrick Barnes, the DAISY Foundation honors nurses internationally. Mr. Barnes’s family was positively impacted by the nurses who skillfully and compassionately cared for Patrick during his eight-week hospitalization for a critical illness. Unfortunately, Mr. Barnes did not survive his illness; however, the nursing care he received when hospitalized profoundly touched his family. The Barnes family wanted a way to honor Patrick and chose to recognize nurses everywhere for their dedication. The DAISY Foundation has been utilized by over 4,500 healthcare facilities and nursing schools in the U.S. and worldwide.
Anyone may nominate nurses including those outside the organization – patients, family members, as well as those inside the organization: other nurses, physicians, and other clinicians and staff – anyone who experiences or observes extraordinary and compassionate care.
Coffee Regional Medical Center (CRMC) holds the DAISY Award ceremonies, recognizing these extraordinary nurses throughout the year. Each nominee is recognized, and one winner is chosen, for each quarter, from those nominees.
On February 3, 2021, a ceremony was held to honor the DAISY Award winner for the 3rd quarter of 2020 – Denise Hayes, RN. Denise is a Registered Nurse in our Surgical Unit and was nominated by a patient family member for showing professionalism and compassion during a very challenging time of loss. Denise has been nominated for the the DAISY Award numerous times throughout her career as a Registered Nurse, a testament to the care and compassion she shows each and every day.
Coffee Regional Medical Center would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Denise and all the nominees for the 3rd quarter of 2020. As we remain focused on our efforts, we are proud of our hard-working caregivers who have all shown unwavering determination and drive throughout these difficult times. Thank you for all you do, each day, to care for our patients (and each other) while staying true to Our Purpose; To Serve, To Heal, To Save.
To nominate a CRMC nurse for the DAISY Award, visit us online at To find out more about the DAISY Foundation, please visit