The Douglas Lions Club has a new President. Joe Sports took the gavel from JoLynn Grantham at the Lions Club’s annual banquet, held recently at the Douglas Golf and Country Club.
Outgoing President JoLynn Grantham presented several awards to Lions Club members who went above and beyond in their duties during 2020-2021. Those receiving Lion Awards were: Cathy Williams (Lion of the Year), Blondale Thomas (President’s Award), Philip Smith (Outstanding Lion) and Aaron Shearl (Outstanding Lion). In her President’s report, Lion Grantham spoke on the yearly service projects and the success of the Big Buck Contest while facing several challenges due to the COVID 19 pandemic. It was reported that an approximate total of over $40,000 in donations had been given back to the community to various organizations such as Beta Sigma, CCAGCC, Coffee County Food Bank, The Hope Center, The Boys & Girls Club, Shop with a Cop, The Community Toy Drive, Relay for Life, Wreaths Across America, Night to Shine, Boy Scouts, Coffee County 4-H, and more.
Throughout the past year, the Douglas Lions Club held three (3) food distributions, purchased 10 pairs of shoes for youth in need, awarded $5,000 to youth scholarship recipients, as well as assisted with local tornado relief. At the end of the President’s report, Lion Grantham graciously passed the gavel to incoming 2021-2022 President, Lion Joe Sports. The Douglas Lions Club recognized Lion Jolynn Grantham with a plaque of appreciation presented to her by incoming President Joe Sports.
New 2021-2022 officers were installed by Lion Cathy Williams (PCC). The 2021-2022 officers for the Douglas Lions Club are as follows: President – Joe Sports, 1st Vice President – Blondale Thomas, 2nd Vice President – Barry Spiwak, 3rd Vice President – Kaylon Moore, Immediate Past President – Jolynn Grantham, Club Administrator – Cathy Williams (PCC), Secretary – Blondale Thomas, Treasurer – Randy Stallings, Membership Chair – Cathy Williams (PCC), 1 Year Directors – Caroline Hand and Missy Givens, 2 Year Directors – Dominic LaRicca, Ronda Sports, & Patrick West, Tail Twisters – Jim Minchew, Charles Cross, and Johnny Morrison, Lion Tamer – David Dukes, and Club Chaplain – James Sapp.
For more information about the Douglas Lions Club, please email Membership Chair Cathy Williams, or any club officer.