The City of Douglas will join 537 cities across Georgia to celebrate Georgia Cities Week. In collaboration with Georgia Cities Week, the City of Douglas will kick off their annual October promotions.
To kickoff initiatives for October, the Public Works Department will offer Tire Amnesty Week that will be held on Monday, October 3 – Friday, October 8, 8:30am-4:30pm. Tire Amnesty Week, will allow citizens of Douglas to dispose of up to 4 tires per resident at the City Pole Yard located at 670 S. Pearl Avenue, adjacent to the Post Office. Proof of residency is required. No commercial and no farm tires will be accepted. Rubber only – no rims.
Fall Junk Free Week will be Monday, October 3 through Friday, October 8, 2021, between the hours of 8:30am – 4:30pm, at the City Pole Yard located at 670 South Pearl Avenue, adjacent to the Post Office. For citizens inside the city limits of Douglas, fees will be waived, during this one week, on big household and junk items. This will not apply to tires or hazardous chemicals. Items can be dropped off at the City of Douglas Pole Yard (off Pearl Avenue, adjacent to the post office). Citizens must provide a copy of their utility bill as residency proof.
Douglas Utilities customers are asked to vote for their favorite Customer Service employee during October 3-8, 2021. After voting for their favorite employee, customers can register for one of three $100 credits that will be given away on Friday, October 29, 2021. City employees & immediate family are not eligible to register.
The Douglas Utilities Department will be promoting Natural Gas Month throughout the month of October. In preparation for the cooler months, customers can call and schedule a FREE pilot lighting – this is a savings of $10.00! To schedule your free pilot lighting during business hours (M-F 8am-5pm), please call the Natural Gas division at (912)389-3427. Public Power week will be held Oct. 3 – 9, 2021. During this week, customers are encouraged to “thank a lineman” and to become more educated about the utility services that are provided by Douglas Utilities.
The Douglas Fire Department is teaming up with the National Fire Protection Association’s Fire Prevention Week, October 3-9, 2021, to spread awareness of testing smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms. This year’s Fire Prevention Week theme is “Learn the Sounds of Fire Safety.” The purpose of the theme is to focus on the importance of the sounds that smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms. The Fire Prevention Education Safety House will be used along with fire education programs that will be offered for all ages through fire prevention presentations in the schools, daycares, and other places of business. Douglas Utility customers can register at City Hall for a drawing that will be held on October 29, 2021 for FREE smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. Through these educational, family-oriented activities, residents can learn more about the importance of smoke alarms and fire safety, as well as the power of fire prevention and education. For more information about fire prevention week or outreach programs, call (912) 384-4815.