Ada Guthrie, owner of Ada Faye Clothing, welcomed Coffee High FBLA officers into her business virtually in the middle of her holiday sales rush Monday, December 13, 2021 for insight into the workings of being a young entrepreneur and retail business owner.
Ada Faye started as an online modest clothing boutique ( in 2015 and now has a brick and mortar location in Nashville, Ga., as well that she highlighted in the virtual tour. The officers got to see the behind the scenes of a retail and online retail clothing business. Ada shared some valuable advice with our officers as well. She advised the students “to go after their dreams” instead of hesitating when asked what steps they could take right now towards meeting their personal and career goals. FBLA President Cailey Martinez left the virtual tour inspired to “take those risks that appear to be unattainable, despite the aspects of perseverance that seem fruitless.”
If you are interested in FBLA touring your business, please contact one of the CHS FBLA advisers, Brandy Barlow (, Kelly Gilliard( or Kristi Joyner (