Keep Douglas Beautiful (KDB) has extended the deadline for Douglas residents to apply for assistance to remove large, unwanted items from their property.
Any citizen living in the city limits of Douglas may apply for the service by completing an application at the Community Development Department located at 211 S. Gaskin Avenue (Ashley-Slater House) or by downloading an application from Please mail or drop off the completed application to City of Douglas, 211 S. Gaskin Avenue, Douglas, GA 31533 (Ashley-Slater House). Applications must be completed with all information. Application deadline is December 1, 2022.
- Approved citizens will be notified at least two to four weeks before event. Priority will be given to disabled and elderly (65 or older) residents.
- If possible, all items must be placed curbside for pick-up. PCC volunteers will enter homes to remove unwanted items to place at the curbside once homeowners are notified that pick-up will occur. ONLY PLACE ITEMS AT CURBSIDE ONCE NOTIFIED THAT PICK-UP WILL OCCUR.
- Acceptable brown and white good items include furniture, washing machines, refrigerators, dryers, stoves, microwaves, televisions, etc. All chemicals MUST BE drained from appliances.
- NO hazardous chemicals such as paints/solvents, household cleaners, pesticides or herbicides, motor oil, antifreeze, batteries, or tires will be collected.
On Saturday, January 21, 2023, 9am-11:30am, Keep Douglas Beautiful volunteers will assist citizens living within the city limits with disposal of large, unwanted items. Due to the limited time allowed on January 21, 2023, not all applicants will receive pick-up, so please return completed applications as soon as possible. Applications will be received on a first come, first served basis. This is a one-time curbside pick-up service for selected applicants offered by Keep Douglas Beautiful Committee.
Special thanks to KDB community partner, PCC Airfoils, LLC and all volunteers.