The City of Douglas has been studying the viability of its government access channel, WDTV-13. Research using local trends with how the public receives media information shows that approximately 589 citizens in the City of Douglas have subscriptions to Vyve Broadband and have the ability to view Channel 13. Based upon the FCC statistics, only an estimated 10% of those subscribers view Channel 13.
On Monday, February 13, 2023,the City of Douglas Mayor and Board of Commissioners voted to relinquish rights to operate the PEG channel, WDTV-13 and return the Channel to VYVE. This decision was based upon the feasibility of operating the Channel, the declining numbers who view PEG Channels, and the channel is not meeting original programming guidelines as required by the FCC.
“We appreciate the service afforded to our local government and citizens by Vyve Broadband made possible through the State Franchise agreement,” says Mayor Tony Paulk. “In this day and age, people are more connected with social media to receive their news and information. In the efforts of remaining frugal with tax payer money, we feel this is the right decision.”
While the city is terminating the cable channel, citizens will still be informed on city services, programs and promotions through Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, The Douglas Enterprise,, regional news media, local radio, email, and the city’s website. Additionally, citizens will be able to view City Commission meetings live on Facebook and YouTube.
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