The City of Douglas, Douglas-Coffee County Economic Development Authority, and Coffee County Commission would like to encourage citizens to vote in the upcoming election on Tuesday, March 21, 2023. The Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (S.P.L.O.S.T.) referendum is on the ballot when citizens vote in the election.
SPLOST is a financing method for city and county governments for capital projects. It is an optional 1% sales tax that is collected by the County for funding projects such as equipment, roads, public facilities, and other defined projects. Citizens have the right to vote for or against a SPLOST referendum. SPLOST can last six years each time it is voted in.
Voting yes will not add a penny to sales tax, it will extend the current tax for six years. Many see this as a reasonable tax to fund projects because everyone contributes, not only property owners – even visitors to Coffee County. By law, Coffee County has control of SPLOST funds, however, all cities in the county have projects that are allocated in the SPLOST Budget.
The proposed defined projects in the upcoming SPLOST include recreation, public safety, roadway and bridge, and technology for Coffee County, Ambrose, Douglas, Broxton, and Nicholls; E911/EMA Facility, Industrial Park Development, Airport Capital Improvements, County Buildings and Land Acquisition for Coffee County; Airport Capital Improvements, Municipal Facilities, Water and Sewer Improvements for Douglas; Public Works, Municipal Buildings, Water System for Ambrose; Public Works, Municipal Buildings, Water System, Land Acquisition for Broxton; Public Works, and Municipal Buildings, Water System, Land Acquisition for Nicholls. The distribution allocation of SPLOST collections are an estimated $45 million for all proposed SPLOST projects.
If the SPLOST referendum passes, it will take effect on April 1, 2023. Early voting is taking place now through March 17, 2023. Election Day will be March 21, 2023. On Election Day, polls will open at 7 a.m. and will close at 7 p.m. at all voting precincts in Douglas and Coffee County. For more information regarding SPLOST, please call (912) 384-1873. For Election or precinct information, call the Coffee County Elections Office at (912) 384-7018.