The City of Douglas is among eight Georgia municipalities that will receive federal subgrants totaling more than $106,000 to support historic preservation activities in their respective communities. The Georgia Historic Preservation Office has announced the City of Douglas will be awarded $22,368 for the Historic Resource Survey of the Gaskin Avenue Historic District.
Historic Preservation Fund grants facilitate historic preservation planning initiatives and projects such as historic resource surveys, outreach efforts, and bricks-and-mortar projects throughout Georgia. These grants are provided annually through the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) of the U.S. Department of the Interior’s National Park Service and are administered by the State Historic Preservation Office of the Georgia Department of Community Affairs.
“The work of local stakeholders is vital to building a consensus for municipal-level historic preservation work. We are proud of this year’s grant recipients and all our Certified Local Government partners,” said the Historic Preservation Division. “The CLG program is an invaluable tool in promoting economic development through local historic resources. The communities participating in the program have taken the initiative to protect their built heritage, in turn preserving that which makes their cities, counties, and Georgia truly special.”
Douglas, being one of Georgia’s 100 Certified Local Governments (CLGs), was eligible to apply for the matching grant. The grant is 60 percent federally funded and 40 percent locally funded. The HPF grant funds will be used to issue a Request for Qualifications to hire a qualified firm to conduct a survey of historic buildings, structures, sites, and objects of historical, cultural, and architectural significance in the Gaskin Avenue Historic Preservation District. The consultant will be responsible for developing an architectural description for each resource that includes setting, age, and location with any additional documented history and/or significance including photographs and more for each resource.
For information on the Historic Preservation Fund grant program, contact For information on the Certified Local Government program, contact Certified Local Government Coordinator Paige Jennings at 404-486-6442 or