The City of Douglas would like to encourage citizens to practice safety with fireworks and would like to make the public aware of the city ordinance regarding fireworks. Fireworks can be used during the hours of 10 am and 9:00 pm. On July 3 and 4, fireworks can be used for an extended time from 9:00 p.m.-11:59 p.m. It is illegal to use any fireworks indoors. It is unlawful to ignite fireworks within or on a roadway, city/county property, or within 100 yards of a hospital or nursing home. Persons must be at least 18 years of age to purchase, possess, transport, ignite or explode fireworks.
“We want everyone to practice safety when using fireworks,” says Douglas Fire Chief Casey Wright. “The likelihood of someone being burned or structural fire increases when fireworks are present without safety precautions in place.”
Celebrate safely by following some of these safety tips that are offered by the American Pyrotechnics Safety & Education Foundation.
Always have a sober adult in charge and never give fireworks to young children, even sparklers. Only buy legal consumer fireworks from a licensed store, stand, or tent. Fireworks typically have bright-colored labels with the manufacturer’s name, directions, and warnings. Read and follow the directions on the labels. Never carry a firework in your pocket or shoot fireworks from a metal or glass container. Keep spectators at a safe distance. Always wear safety glasses when igniting fireworks. Don’t aim or throw fireworks at another person. Never place any part of your body directly over a firework device. Only use fireworks outside, away from buildings, and on a flat level, a hard, fireproof surface that is free from debris. Have a working garden hose or bucket of water handy. Light only one firework at a time and never approach or re-ignite a firework that doesn’t light the first time. When finished, allow used fireworks to stand for at least 20 minutes, submerge in water, drain, place in a plastic bag and dispose of outside in a covered trash can.
“We want to remind citizens that fireworks may trigger people with PTSD,” says DPD Chief Brannen Pruette. “Loud noise can trigger veterans since it may remind them of their combat experience. Please be considerate to your neighbors or family members when igniting fireworks for your celebration.”
According to ASPCA, fireworks often scare pets and studies have shown that 1 in 5 pets go missing after being scared by loud noises or fireworks. Never allow your pet near fireworks or keep them inside while using fireworks. Make sure you have a current photo and some type of identification or microchip with up-to-date contact information. If you go out or on vacation during 4th of July festivities, consider boarding your pet while you are away.