The members of American Legion Post 515 are in the process of establishing an American Legion Riders (ALR) Chapter at Post 515, located at 1510 McLean Street in Douglas.
To do this we need motorcycle riders. A minimum of five qualifying Legion Family members shall be needed to start a Chapter. The minimum required officers of the Chapter are Director, Assistant Director, Treasurer, Secretary and Sergeant-at-Arms. Required positions cannot be combined and must be different Chapter members.
To be eligible to join the American Legion Riders, one must be a member in good standing in either one of American Legion Families: Legionnaires, Auxiliary, or Sons of The American Legion, who share a passion for riding motorcycles. Larry Nesmith was appointed Chapter Director at the June 7, 2023, meeting. Four more people are needed to apply for a chapter at Post 515.
The DOG ALR mission is to promote and support the aims and purposes of The American Legion. – Rehabilitation of all disabled veterans; – Care of the dependents of those who have answered the final call; – Care of those who are suffering from wounds, disease and want; – Education of our children; – Service to the community, state and nation. The focus of Post 515’s ALR Chapter will be to uphold the DOG ALR MISSION.
We will support the values of The American Legion by riding in patriotic parades, funeral escorts, and participating in programs, events and other ceremonies in the communities in which we live, work, and play. American Legion Riders have an unwavering respect for our country, our flag, and for those who risk their very lives for America’s freedom and security.
Individuals that are members of an American Legion post not having an existing Chapter may apply for membership to another Chapter. Members will not at any time hold membership in more than one Chapter.
All Department of Georgia ALR operators must have the following up to date and legal requirements:
a. Current motorcycle insurance b. Current driver’s license with a motorcycle endorsement c. Motorcycle operator learner permits not to exceed one year are allowed provided all restrictions of said permit are adhered to. d. All members will obey the motor vehicle laws of their state and the states through which they are operating a motorcycle or riding as a passenger.
A coordination meeting and membership drive will be 6:00 to 7:00 PM Friday, July 28, 2023, at American Legion Post 515. If you are not a member of one of the American Legion Families stated above and wish to join, please bring all required documents outlined above and a copy of your DD-214. If you have questions or require clarifications, please contact Jerome Loving at 912-592-6413 or Larry Nesmith at 912-393-4051.