By Alyssa Goodman & Sierra Warren
George Washington Carver Freshman Campus students recently harvested fresh produce grown in their community garden. The garden is maintained and tended by the students with support from community partners.
The garden was first proposed by several GWCFC staff members as a Problem-Based Learning activity (PBL). As the school-wide PBL, students from Freshman Seminar, Honors Algebra I, ESOL, Basic Ag., and Journalism worked together to implement and follow through with this endeavor. The students have planted and harvested fall/winter produce such as collard greens, mustards, spinach, cabbage, lettuce, sugar snap peas, and radishes. The goal of this project is to help students not only implement the knowledge they get from the classroom but also get hands-on experience in self-sustainability and farm management. The garden is located at the back of George Washington Carver Freshman Campus by the gym. The project is supported by community partners: Chi Gamma Omega Chapter and Down Home Hardware. Chi Gamma Omega Chapter provided the seeds and Down Home Hardware provided the necessary tools and supplies that help the students grow the seeds and maintain the garden into fruition.
In addition to the garden, the project also started a composting bin to help reduce produce waste and carbon footprint. Students are responsible for collecting produce waste from the lunchroom and maintaining the compost bins. Compost from these bins will be used in the garden.
Students, teachers, and several community members were fortunate enough to receive the fresh produce from this first harvest for free. The objective of this project is to provide students and staff with the opportunity to enjoy a fresh salad bar for every lunch. This initiative aims to offer students a healthier and more organic lunch option, fostering a sense of participation as they contribute to its cultivation. The garden project is expected to continue running throughout the year. Thank you to Chi Gamma Omega Chapter and Down Home Hardware for the support. If you would like to help support this project, please contact Simona Watts-Lacoste at